Friday, April 2, 2010

Family Scrap Weekend

Once a year, the females in our family go on a scrap weekend getaway. This year, Mom and Phoebe were in Cancun so they were not in attendance. We had Aunt Judy, cousin Corina, adopted sisters Rosy and Kristie, sisters-in-law Jenn, Julina, and Wendy. We had sooo much much in fact that we are added another night next year! Thanks to Corina for setting up our photo shots and teaching us some Zumba while we took a break! I did a whoppin' 104 pages! My most ever!


Wendy Sousley said...

Yeah I am so excited for the extra day next year! Thank you so much for getting us all together its great to just get away with the girls! Love ya!

Mike and Julina said...

I look forward to this weekend all year long! Next year I'm going to bring some comedy's so we don't cry at every movie we watch. Love all your pages!

Brandon and Alesha said...

104 pages? I'm in awe. I haven't done that many in my life!

Tami said...

I love it that your family is so close! So fun!