Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mom's 60th Birthday

Lots of things happened this summer and since I'm new to the whole blogging thing, there seems to be lots of catch up. I'm only highlighting the highlights!!! This past May, my mother turned 60 and all five of us kids and our families got together to celebrate her birthday (with the exception of Brad's wife Nina and son Kyler who were sick). This is a picture of my parents and us kids. Back row: Brad, J, Dad, Leslie, Bob, Mike and Mom in front.


Stefani said...

WAH!!!!!!! I wouldn't have been able to recognize Bobby behind the beard and Michael with brown hair. Look at the Sousley's all grown up! Happy Birthday Mary! Okay, the pictures of your new house are divine and I want to come visit. Do you have room for us all to invade? I'll only bring the 9 children we still have at home.

Actually, Junior joined the Marines and starts boot camp 9/23 so he can't come, it will just be the remaining 8. I've promised Junior that if he gets deployed to Okinawa I will absolutely go for a visit. So many memories....good memories.

Give your Mama and Papa some big bear hugs from me. Come visit my blog sometime too. Stephen is just recovering from Anthrax poisoning. I know, can you imagine? You can read about it on the blog.

Huge kisses from Stefani DeAdder Ellison

Anonymous said...

Great picture! I wish I could have been there =(