Friday, August 29, 2008


Macy is the next Madonna----okay, maybe I should find a different celebrity but the name fits. Her knew thing is to do concerts for us. She lip syncs and dancing while we sit in the audience. These were taken at Aunt Judy's birthday party. Macy had an audience of 15 people cheering her on. It's really fun to watch her!!! Go Macy!


Mike and Julina said...

SO FUNNY!!! I love the 2nd picture of her where her hair is flying up. I love it. I really wish I could have seen her concert. She'll have to perform for us next time we come over. She is so cute. Not a baby anymore and that blows me away. I love Macy!!!

Tami said...

Hi! Yea, I love your blog! You have done a great job. You have such a cute family! I love all of these fun pictures and posts.