Friday, December 19, 2008


I'm driving home from school yesterday after picking up the kids from school and Caden starts singing "Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg...." We all know that song because we all used to sing it as youngsters. Well, Christian started singing a different version that he has learned at school. This one wasn't about Batman and Robin but about an Iraqi suicide bomber. I was briefly stunned....I hadn't heard it and I didn't like it! I told Christian I would rather him sing about Batman smelling! Isn't it interesting how things in this world change things for our kids?


Mike and Julina said...

Your title says it all!

Wendy Sousley said...

So scary and sad that times do change!

Melanie and Ernie said...

Wow...that is a little scary...I truly am scared for my little guy to grow up.

Shelly Yorgesen said...

Ok call me bad but you have to utube "akmed" the dead terrorist and you will get the rest of the song. I don't recommend it to Caden or Macy but honestly it is a bit funny. It is a puppet, a vantriliquest sp? Our fam got a kick out of his act, well most of it-the virgins part is a bit racey- But we don't sing the song either, I am a fan of open sleighs and laughing all the way....