Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Love Hate Relationship

Ken and I have always been very money conscious. We had to be early on and all through medical school and residency. I feel like we've been pretty smart with our money. However, we still have felt like we can do better. A couple of months ago, we decided to redo the budget and try to spend more cash and use the debit card less. I only jumped in with one foot until......a couple of weekends at my scrapbook retreat, my friend Shell showed me her wallet she bought on It's an envelope system wallet. I saw that and knew that was what I needed to keep me straight on my cash. I went home and ordered one. I have now been doing it for 3 days and it has already saved me money! I'm only using it for my grocery money and spending allowance. I second guess every purchase I'm making because I'm spending cash. It's a lot harder. So, I love it.....but I hate it. I found that we were nickle and diming ourselves to death with our debit cards. Now, I'm saving quarters and silver dollars because of the emotion tied with cash.


Theresa said...

You go, Leslie! I was also impressed with Shelly's cash-only system and thought about trying it myself. I'm so glad it's been workig out well for you. You'll have to let me know how it went at the end of the month. Good Luck!

Mike and Julina said...

Good for you Leslie. I think Mike and I need to do that too.

Anonymous said...

I think we all have that love hate relationship. It is the necessary evil. I love the Dave Rasmsay way too!