Saturday, October 18, 2008


Macy is a social butterfly. She has this fun little network of friends at school and has 2 halloween parties before halloween even gets here. Today is the first party. She decided she wanted to be a vampire this year (probably hearing all the Twilight talk). I thought she was so stinkin' cute that I had to post her pictures. I'm sure by Halloween I'll be tired of dressing her up for the third time and she won't look nearly as cute. Better take pictures now!


The "J' Eder Family said...

Oh my word, she looks so cute!!

Kristin said...

I see an "Alice" in the making!

Mike and Julina said...

I could just eat her up....well I guess that would be the other way around. She plays the roll perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Ok she totally looks the part. She is too cute for her own good!!!

Anonymous said...

Impressive!!! it looks like it must be a blast dressing her up!

Leslie said...

She's certainly got the Vampire poses down.

Wendy Sousley said...

She looks so cute! I love all those poses she can definatly play the part!

Shelli said...

LOVE IT! So cute!